Blue Flower

We solicit five types of submission:

  • Regular papers should (1) clearly describe innovative and original research, or (2) report a survey on a research topic in the field, or (3) explain how existing techniques have been applied to a real-world case. (16 pages in LNCS format).
  • Short papers should describe novel and promising ideas and/or techniques that are in an early stage of development. To that end, short papers will be reviewed with dedicated review guidelines (8 pages in LNCS format).
  • Extended abstracts should focus on “Requirements and Goals for Agent-based Systems: From Specification and Design to Runtime Representation and Reasoning” (2 pages in LNCS format).
  • Doctoral project papers should describe a research effort of a Master student or the dissertation research of a PhD student in the field of engineering multi-agent systems. The paper should clearly describe the problem tackled, a justification why this problem is important, the research method, the (expected) contributions of the research, and the evaluation. This paper can be co-authored by the student and his supervisor(s) only (6 pages in LNCS format).
  • Tool, testbeds and demo papers should describe a novel tool or demonstration in the field of engineering multi-agent systems. Submission may range from early prototypes to in house or pre-commercialised products. Authors of other EMAS 2018 papers are also welcomed to submit an accompanying tool/demo paper. The paper should provide a link to supplementary material that allows the reviewers to evaluate the submission such as website or movie link (4 pages in LNCS format).


Submission policy: all papers should be original and not be submitted elsewhere. The review process is single blind: submissions should not be blind, reviewers will be.
When you enter the title of your paper in the data section in EasyChair, you must add as the first word the category to which the paper has been submitted (this first word does not need to be included in the submitted paper):

- REGULAR for regular papers (16 pages long)
- SHORT for short papers (8 pages long)
- EXTENDED for extended abstracts (2 pages long)
- DOCTORAL for doctoral project papers (6 pages long)
- DEMO for tool, testbeds and demo papers (4 pages long)


The LNCS formatting style is available via:

The EMAS2018 Easychair page can be found here:

Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit revised and extended versions of the EMAS papers for inclusion in the post-proceedings that will be published as a volume in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.




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